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Interest Groups



In the coming year, CFUW Orillia Interest Groups will be flexible.  Some groups will meet in-person, some using Zoom or other applications.  These groups form the foundation to allow one on one interaction among our members in a relaxed and friendly environment. The Interest Groups encourage club members to socialize together with those who share a common interest. The success of these groups is a result of your participation.  Please feel free to suggest a new group, perhaps crafts, cycling, or virtual coffee hour.


Advocacy Group – in person or via Zoom

This group meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. September – June to discuss current events, write letters to the editor and/or prepare op-ed pieces for local papers.  Speakers occasionally provide information and insight on issues of interest. Resolutions from National and Ontario Council are vetted through this group for presentation at the March General Meeting.


Book Club – via Zoom or at member’s homes

The CFUW Orillia Book Club meets at 1:30 p.m. on the second Thursday from September to June (with the exception of December). Books chosen during our June planning meeting cover a range of topics and genres generating lively and interesting discussions.


Bridge Group 1 (2nd & 4th Mondays) – in-person or via Trickster

The group consists of 8 experienced bridge players who meet twice a month at 1:00 p.m. for friendly yet competitive games. Although the group is full, we welcome members who would like to be added to our substitute list


Bridge Group 2 (1st & 3rd Mondays) – in-person

Participants will meet the first and third Monday of the month at 1:30 p.m. at a 
members’ home. This year we will only have one table of four per home to try to keep everyone safe. It is a friendly group where all will get to play as often as they are 
interested. Participants are expected to host on a rotational basis.


Bridge Group 3 (1st & 3rd Thursdays) – in-person

We meet the first and third Thursday of the month at 1:30 at members’ homes. This 
year we will only have one table of four per home to try to keep everyone safe. Our 
players are seasoned. We have room for two more players. It is a friendly group with 
lots of good bridge and conversation time. 


Bridge Group Evening – in-person or via Trickster

The Evening CFUW Bridge Group meet on the 1st and the 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 7:00 p.m. CFUW members can select to play Trickster bridge or to play in person bridge. 


Cocktail Hour / Dinner Out – meeting for cocktails via Zoom with possibility of moving to in-person Dinner Out

We meet on the third Friday of each month, except December, July and August to 
enjoy good camaraderie and conversation as we try local area restaurants. Significant 
others are welcome.


Dinner Club – in person &/or via Zoom (depending on individual’s comfort levels)

Members can meet in person at a restaurant at 5:00 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday of the 
month (prior to the CFUW general meetings) and/or also gather via Zoom on the 4th
Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Dinner Club meets monthly September-November and 
January-April. This is a great networking opportunity and a chance to enjoy the 
company of members. 


Exploring Art – TBD

The Exploring Art group will do several events throughout the year.  Members will be encouraged to suggest and lead an activity to encourage full participation. The dates and times for meetings will be determined by the group.


Friendship, Fun & A Book Club – in-person

This group meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m., 12 months of the year. Books chosen cover a range of topics, authors, and genres, while generating stimulating and lively discussions


Garden Group – casual format

If you are a gardener or simply enjoy the beauty of flowers and gardens, this group is for you. Opportunities are provided for members to share gardening techniques, horticultural knowledge, and plants.  Garden tour suggestions and demonstrations are done virtually on an ad hoc basis.


Golf Group

The Golf Group plays 9 holes every Monday morning during the season. We usually play at Couchiching Golf & Country Club, but once a month we organize a field trip to another local course. Players of all levels are encouraged to join in a relaxed game.

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Jigsaw Puzzlers 4th Thursday – in-person. * New Group *

Participants will meet the 4th Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at a 
members’ home. A 1000-piece Jigsaw puzzle will be started and continued each month until complete. The puzzle will be rolled for storage each month. Participants are expected to host the puzzle party on a rotational basis.


Lunch Bunch – in-person

The Lunch Bunch meets the third Tuesday of the month from September to June. We 
gather at different restaurants and enjoy each other’s company while also enjoying 
lunch out. The conversation is kept light and upbeat. It’s a great way to get to know 
other members and perhaps, make a new friend. Do give it a try!


Mah Jongg – in person or via

To all those who are interested in an afternoon of Mah Jongg in the company of a fun-loving group we meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 1:30 p.m., September – June. We have members participating at various skill levels and all enjoy learning together.  Join us via  We’ll move forward with meeting in person as members are comfortable.



The Downhill Ski Group meets at Mt. St. Louis/Moonstone every Wednesday at 9 a.m. during January, February and March. Some take a lunch (or buy a lunch) and ski all day; others just stay for the morning. Everyone has a great time together and enjoy some slope watching.  Partners are welcome to join.


Tech Club – via Zoom

Members meet the first Thursday of the month at 10 a.m. for an hour, September - June.  The group decides what topics they would like to learn about each month. No matter your skill level, you are sure to learn some new tips to get more from your tablet, computer, and phone. Partners are welcome to join



From September to June this group meets every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. to walk or snowshoe for 60-90 minutes. The walks take place on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at Tudhope Park and on the other Tuesdays at forest trails near Orillia.  Partners are invited on all walks.

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Zoom-Licious – via Zoom

This group meets via Zoom the 1st Monday of each month at 4:30 p.m,, October – June. We take turns doing a cooking demonstration of a favourite recipe while the other members participate in their own kitchens.  Be prepared for lots of laughter and a fun social time culminating in yummy culinary treats!

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